D2B 65 – Nokiasoft: Microsoft acquires Nokia
11/20/2013 – Skip Montreux explains everything you need to know about the recent acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft. He even throws in his own little conspiracy theory…

D2B 64 – Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline
10/31/2013 – Skip Montreux & Dez Morgan talk through everything you need to know about the history and geopolitical forces behind the Iran-Pakistan pipeline.

D2B 63 – The Life & Times of Hugo Chavez
07/04/2013 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan talk about the life and times of Hugo Chavez. How did he rise to power? What changes did he bring to his country? What does the future hold for Venezuela now that he is gone?

D2B 62 – Working from home: Marissa Mayer & Yahoo’s work policy
03/10/2013 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan talk about Yahoo’s recent policy change regarding employees working from home. Does giving workers more freedom lead to a more successful company?

D2B 61 – Argentinian Debt
02/22/2013 – Dez Morgan explains to Skip Montreux how Argentina is doing the opposite in an attempt to spend their way back from the brink of economic ruin. Are austerity measures the only way for a country to reduce debt?