D2B Season 11 (2020)

D2B 170
Social Media Influencers
12/31/2020 – Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega discuss what a social media influencer is and recent trends in the social media influencer industry.

D2B 169
GAFA goes to Washington
10/24/2020– Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega discuss the US government’s antitrust investigation into Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon.

D2B 168
Vaccine Race
08/10/2020 – Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega report on recent developments in the race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.

D2B 167
3 Ways COVID-19 is Changing Business
6/14/2020 – Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega look at three ways the COVID-19 pandemic will reshape the way we do business.

D2B 166
The Economic Impact of Coronavirus
03/21/2020 – Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega discuss the impact coronavirus will have on the global economy.

D2B 165
The Problem with Palm Oil
01/05/2020– Skip Montreux and Samantha Vega talk about the reasons behind why palm oil has become such problem for the environment.