D2B 60 – Taxing the Rich
09/15/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan discuss the trend of increasing taxes on the super wealthy. Is it the right thing to do?

D2B 59 – The LIBOR Scandal
07/20/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan talk through the LIBOR Scandal. What is the LIBOR? How did this scandal work? What penalties will the banks involved in this receive?

D2B 58 – Deflation: What is it?
07/13/2012 – Dez Morgan explains the concept of deflation.

D2B 57 – RFID Chips
06/23/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan talk about what RFID chips are and their applications in the public and private sectors.

D2B 56 – Front Row Seats: a behind the scenes look at ticket pricing
05/26/2012 – Skip Montreux & Dez Morgan talk about concert ticket pricing and the controversy surrounding one of the giants in the industry –Ticketmaster.

D2B 55 – Health Care: The Real Cost of Obesity & Smoking
04/02/2012 – With governments around the world looking everywhere and anywhere for places to cut costs, a huge target is often a nation’s healthcare system. Two healthcare areas that excessively drain health budgets budgets are Obesity & Smoking.

D2B 54 – Facebook’s IPO: What is it? Is it a good investment?
03/10/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan take a close look at what an IPO is, how this IPO might change Facebook, and is it a good investment?

D2B 53 – The Future of Work: 10 Ways Work is Changing
02/20/2012 – We live in an age where Technology and the Internet is changing our lives at an ever quickening pace. How have these changes impacted the way we work? What changes are in store in the future? Today on Down to Business we look at the Future of Work: 10 Ways Work is Changing.

D2B 52 – Price fixing: antitrust & other unfair trading practices
02/13/2012 – Skip Montreux & Dez Morgan discuss 2 major Japanese companies and 2 Korean companies that have been caught price fixing.

D2B 51 – Unplugged: SOPA, PIPA, and Davos
02/06/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan discuss SOPA, PIPA & Davos.

D2B 50 – Economic Sanctions against Iran
01/27/2012 – Skip Montreux and Dez Morgan look at the economic sanctions against Iran and how they could possibly effect the future of oil prices.

D2B 49 – Unemployment
01/20/2012 – From America to Africa, unemployment rates around the globe continue to climb. Where is it a problem and who is suffering the most? The answers to these two questions and more on today’s episode of Down to Business English.